Invisible Differences A Story of Asperger's, Adulting, and Living a Life in Full Color by Julie Dachez

by - julio 29, 2020

Invisible Differences
A Story of Asperger's, Adulting, and Living a Life in Full Color
by Julie Dachez
Oni Press 
Comics & Graphic Novels  OwnVoices 

Marguerite feels awkward, struggling every day to stay productive at work and keep up appearances with friends. She's sensitive, irritable at times. She makes her environment a fluffy, comforting cocoon, alienating her boyfriend. The everyday noise and stimuli assaults her senses, the constant chatter of her coworkers working her last nerve. Then, when one big fight with her boyfriend finds her frustrated and dejected, Marguerite finally investigates the root of her discomfor: after a journey of tough conversations with her loved ones, doctors, and the internet, she discovers that she has Aspergers. Her life is profoundly changed – for the better. 

My Review
This graphic novel was an impressive read, and partly educational!
The protagonist takes us into her world and what it is like to live with Asperger, in my case I did not know much about it, but this novel has helped me to know how someone who suffers from it lives it day by day.

Each page keeps your attention since the same protagonist is of great interest, at the same time it is a fun story, and it takes little time to read it completely.

It is an ideal book for those who do not know much about the syndrome and want to know what the life of someone suffering from it is like, a book for adolescents and adults, since it requires certain mental maturity to understand it.

The illustrations were a great accompaniment and made it more unforgettable.

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