The Secret Notebook by D'Aurelio, D.A.

by - julio 31, 2020

The Secret Notebook
by D'Aurelio, D.A.

Middle Grade | Mystery & Thrillers

Riley Green is certain her lie detector pen will improve her status in a school full of kids from the most powerful families of Washington, D.C. But her plan collapses when her invention idea is stolen, her favorite teacher goes missing, and mysterious threats begin to appear around capital. Before vanishing, Riley's teacher entrusts her with her most prized possession, the lost notebook of Nikola Tesla, legendary inventor and scientist. Now Riley and her friends must protect the notebook from thieves who want to steal the details it holds about a dangerous invention. When Riley discovers another secret, she must decode a mysterious message before it's too late. Her teacher's life depends on it.

My review
This book is one of my favorites, mainly the way of writing, being English my second language I found it very easy to read, if there were difficult words but not so complicated that they did not make me understand the plot.

A beautiful story, with very friendly characters and who make you love them from the beginning. It is an entertaining, adorable story that you will definitely love when you read the book. It is a book that deserves a chance, if you want to venture into the English language this book is a highly recommended option and will help you a lot on your way.

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